EventsAir at Event Tech Live London

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    As Event Tech Live 2022, has officially wrapped up, I wanted to capture my thoughts on the event itself.

    Paul Martin, Executive Director – Strategic Business at EventsAir, kicked off the event speaking on a panel with Neil Thompson from Delegate Wranglers on how to really build engagement and excitement in attendees pre-event. In the session they revisited the age old question and explored new ways of building real event communities and memorable experiences for attendees long before they set foot at the event.

    It was great to be back onsite, speaking to customers on the stand and networking face to face. The booth conversations, questions and demos of the platform and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Conversations varied from each person as they discussed their own event journeys and where their next steps were going to take them. This variety of requirements was music to our ears, as in each case we could offer the well-known flexibility and scalability of our platform to fit almost all desired outcomes.

    We walk away from this event not only with new opportunities but a renewed sense of purpose that in this changing market what everyone wants that ‘wow’ factor in their events, irrespective of how they are delivered

    Thank you to all of the people who stopped by and chatted and took the time to learn a little but more about how us and how we can help. Also, a shoutout to our fellow exhibitors as we’re all getting back to it and based on this 2023 will be a huge year for events and the technology and partners that support them.

    EventsAirMeetings and Events