Conference and event planning checklists

Caitlin Ryan
Caitlin Ryan
Conference and event planning checklists - EventsAir
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    Planning a conference or corporate event is quite an undertaking; with multiple different stakeholders and elements to consider, it’s a constant juggling act for the event planner. And when you add the pressure of budgets, timeframes, and registrations, it can sometimes feel like juggling, while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. 

    But, just like circus performers, with a clear plan, the right tools, and a bit of practice you’ll have your guests on the edge of their seats and your stakeholders applauding for more. Knowing what to track, plan, consider, and look out for is essential – so, having an effective event planning checklist will ensure you remain extra confident when you hit the stage.

    To help you get started with an efficient planning process, we’ve created a suite of event planning checklists for everything from conferences to sports events to diversity, equity and inclusion. Take a deep dive into all of our conference and event planning checklists:

    Conference and event planning checklist

    The conference planning checklist below covers all of the essentials for conferences and corporate events. For in-person events, there are a few vital parts to consider:

    1. Location
    2. Venue
    3. Catering
    4. Production
    5. Delegate management
    6. Logistics
    7. Going onsite


    One of the most crucial parts of an event planning process is determining the location, location, location! Choosing a location is often not as straightforward as it sounds, as there are lots of competing factors to consider to maximize both attendance rates and your attendees’ experience while they’re there. For example, while an exotic or destination location is attractive and fun, if it’s not easy to get to, your target audience may be disinclined to make the trip and you risk low attendance or losing out to a competing event. 

    Here are five important aspects to consider when planning your event’s location:

    1. Geographic location: You want a location that attendees can reach easily. Consider proximity to major transport hubs such as airports, train stations, and major highways. If you are considering an overseas destination, pick a location with direct flights or flight paths with minimal connections for your delegates. 
    2. Local transport: Ensure there are sufficient local transportation options, including public transport and taxi or ride-share services.
    3. Local attractions and accommodation: Consider the proximity of the event to local attractions, dining options, entertainment, and accommodation. This enhances the overall experience for attendees during downtime.
    4. Weather: It’s also worth considering the climate and season of the location. For example, you’ll want to avoid booking a conference in an exotic spot if it’s the wet season and likely to rain the whole time.
    5. Safety and security: Consider any potential risks in the area and choose a location with a good reputation for security and safety to appeal to a broader range of attendees and put their minds at ease. 

    Tip: If you’re booking an international event, a specialist international meeting planner can cross-reference where all your guests would be coming from and pinpoint the locations that would be most convenient for the majority of guests.


    Once the destination has been chosen, it is time to move on to securing a venue. To do this, we recommend making a detailed list of everything you’d require/need to ask the venue, covering areas such as:

    Conference facilities:

    • Aesthetic: Does the venue reflect the brand and the message you are trying to portray, to your attendees?
    • Capacity: Does the venue have capacity for the number of expected attendees? What will it look like if you don’t meet capacity? 
    • Number/type of meeting spaces: Does it have the necessary space and facilities for presentations, workshops, exhibitions, networking, and other conference activities? What are the seating arrangements?
    • Layout: How close are the event spaces to each other? Ideally, you want the event spaces to be close to each other to make it convenient for your delegates to move from one event space to another and the food and refreshment area should be kept separate from the main event area to maintain decorum and give attendees a “break”. Is there a spacious registration area with a cloakroom? The entry and exit to any event must be as smooth and efficient as the event. A bad guest experience at these points can taint an otherwise successful event.
    • Technology infrastructure: What technical equipment would you require for each meeting space and what purpose would they serve in making the event successful? Can the venue support presentations, live streaming, does it have secure and reliable Wi-Fi?
    • Natural light: Do the venues let in natural sunlight? Semi-open venues are advisable if you are hosting an all-day event as it helps to keep guests alert and in a good mood.
    • Accessibility: Is the venue accessible to individuals with disabilities, providing ramps, elevators, and accessible restrooms? Confirm the availability of designated parking spaces for people with disabilities.
    • Cost and budget: What is the venue’s pricing structure? Are there additional costs and fees, such as catering or equipment rental? Negotiate terms and explore potential discounts or package deals.
    • Contract terms: Carefully review and understand the terms of the venue contract. Pay attention to cancellation policies, deposit requirements, and any restrictions the venue imposes.
    • Parking and transport: What are the public transport, taxi, and ride-share options? Is there sufficient availability of parking spaces for attendees who might drive?
    • Reputation and reviews: What do other event organizers who have had similar events to yours say about the venue? Read reviews or ask to speak to past customers.
    • Branding: Will the venue be able to accommodate the techniques you’d want to implement to boost your brand awareness (e.g. signage, brand activations)?
    • Event support: What level of support is provided by the venue’s staff (including event coordinators, technical support, and on-site personnel)?
    • Flexibility: Choose a venue that is flexible and willing to accommodate changes in the event plan or unexpected developments.
    • Environmental considerations: Consider the venue’s sustainability practices and environmental impact. Opt for venues with eco-friendly initiatives if environmental responsibility aligns with your conference values.


    • Number of bedrooms and their specifications (double/single).
    • Does the accommodation need to be onsite?
    • If guests are sharing rooms, consider their privacy and space.
    • Check Wi-Fi availability so your guests can easily catch up on emails and get work done at their accommodation, if required.

    Tip: Finding the perfect venue can be a lengthy process, especially if you don’t have local knowledge of the chosen destination. One way to simplify this process is to consult a professional events agency to help you narrow down the list of venues in accordance to your requirements and budget.


    Once you’ve picked your destination and venue, the next step is handling the finer event details, one of which is catering. And because good food = good mood, you want to get this one right. 

    Many venues will recommend their preferred caterers; if not, a professional events agency can help. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating your catering options:

    • Experience and reputation:
      • Look for a caterer with experience handling conference events.
      • Check reviews, testimonials, and references to gauge their reputation and reliability.
    • Menu options and dietary/allergen considerations:
      • Ensure the caterer is knowledgeable about handling food allergies and dietary restrictions.
      • Check if they are flexible in accommodating dietary restrictions/preferences or customizing menus to suit any specific requirements of the conference.
      • Schedule a tasting session to sample the quality of the food and assess the presentation of food and overall quality of the service.
      • Clearly communicate any specific dietary requirements of the conference attendees.
    • Logistical capability:
      • Assess the caterer’s logistical capability to handle the expected number of attendees.
      • Inquire about their experience with events of a similar size and scale.
    • Service staff:
      • Inquire about the number of service staff provided by the caterer.
      • Ensure the staff is trained, professional, and capable of handling the conference environment.
    • Catering equipment:
      • Confirm that the caterer has the necessary equipment for on-site food preparation and service.
      • Verify that they can adapt to the venue’s facilities and limitations.
    • Budget:
      • Clearly understand the caterer’s pricing structure, what is included in the package, and any additional costs that may arise.
    • Flexibility with changes:
      • Check the caterer’s policy regarding last-minute changes in guest count or menu adjustments.
    • Sustainability practices:
      • Inquire about the caterer’s commitment to sustainable and eco-friendly practices (e.g. use of local, seasonal ingredients)
    • Licensing and permits:
      • Ensure the caterer has the necessary licenses/permits to operate.
      • Check compliance with health and safety regulations.
    • Insurance coverage:
      • Confirm that the caterer has liability insurance coverage (to protect both parties in case of unforeseen incidents).
    • Communication and responsiveness:
      • Assess the caterer’s communication skills and responsiveness throughout your interactions with them.


    Event production (event staging) encompasses the set-up and coordination of most of the things at your event that attendees can see, hear, and feel (e.g. lighting, sound, video projection, stages, furniture, decor, plants, props) as well as the back-end technology powering your event (e.g. registration, on-site check-in, etc.). 

    When the conference aesthetic is polished and on point and all the technical and audio-visual aspects work together seamlessly, it creates memorable experiences for attendees, that can set your conference apart. But, when it doesn’t all work seamlessly together, your conference might be remembered for all the wrong reasons, which is why it’s often wise to hire an event production specialist. Here are some other important production considerations:

    • Event design and theme:
      • Create a cohesive event design and theme that reflects the brand or purpose of the event.
      • Aim for consistency in visual elements – from signage to decorations and promotional materials.
      • Ensure you choose a venue that suits the theme and has the necessary infrastructure and technology to support planned production elements.
    • Stage and set design:
      • Design a stage layout that enhances visibility and engagement for the audience.
      • Incorporate branding elements and backdrops that align with the event theme where suitable.
    • Audio-visual production:
      • Plan for audio-visual requirements, including sound systems, lighting, and projection.
      • Hire experienced technical production teams to handle the setup, operation, and troubleshooting of equipment.
    • Registration and ticketing:
    • Entertainment and speakers:
      • Choose entertainment, presenters, and speakers that resonate with the target audience (and your budget!).
      • Schedule a rehearsal so that speakers/performers can test the space and equipment and identify any last-minute requirements.
    • Logistics and operations:
      • Develop a detailed logistics plan, including bump-in/bump-out schedules, transportation, and vendor coordination.
      • Anticipate potential challenges, such as traffic, parking, and security.
      • Create an event risk management plan that identifies and mitigates potential risks.
    • Timeline and run of show
      • Create a detailed timeline and run-sheet outlining the sequence of events.
      • Communicate the schedule to all involved parties, including staff, vendors, and performers.

    Delegate management

    Inviting guests might seem like a pretty straightforward task (create invite list, send invites, right?), but if it’s not done systematically with clear and effective comms, you risk losing out on potential registrations and/or your reputation and credibility.

    Event management platforms are one of the best ways to oversee the planning, organization, and coordination of attendees, and—when used properly—they significantly reduce the chance of errors or issues in the process. Below are some key questions to ask when looking at event management platforms.

    Online registration

    • Is the platform user-friendly for delegates to register for the event online? 
    • Does it securely collect and store essential information such as personal details, contact information, and preferences (e.g. dietary requirements), and allow flexibility in the information captured?

    Event website

    • Can you easily create a branded, high-quality event website? Tip: Being able to whitelabel your site and create a central hub for information, registration, and updates will greatly enhance the attendee experience.

    Payment processing

    • Does the platform have an integrated and secure payment processing system to handle registration fees and other costs? 
    • Does it generate invoices and receipts?

    Onsite check-in:

    • Does the platform utilize barcode scanning or other tech to streamline the on-site check-in process for attendees? Or, does it work in harmony with external tech and partners?
    • Does the platform automate the creation of name badges for each delegate (including relevant information, such as names, affiliation, and access levels)? Can you personalize and customize these badges?
    • Would you like to track delegate attendance at sessions or activities using badge scanning technology, providing valuable data on popular sessions and overall engagement?

    Communication tools

    • Does the platform automate sending invitations to potential attendees? 
    • Can you send automated reminders for those who haven’t registered or notifications about key dates, agenda updates, schedules, and other important info?

    Accommodation and travel management:

    • Do you need the platform to handle accommodation bookings and travel arrangements? 
    • Do you want attendees to be able to view information on local hotels, transportation options and special discounts?

    Agenda planning:

    • Can attendees choose sessions or workshops to create personalized agendas?
    • Mobile app integration:
    • Reporting and analytics:
      • What are the reporting and event analytics capabilities of the platform? Look for reporting on attendance and engagement.
    • Access control:
      • Can you manage access control for different areas or sessions based on delegate credentials?


    After sorting out all of the event details, the next task is to chart out your event schedule. This needs to include the schedule for each sub-event i.e. meeting timing, break timing, etc. Additionally, keep a list and contact details of people who will be managing every task of your event. Once this has been done, make sure to cross-reference everything with everyone.

    Expect the unexpected! Risk assess the entire event and check out our article on the 6 common event problems to ensure you have everything covered.. Keep a lookout for potential pitfalls and 

    Going onsite

    Congratulations, after a huge amount of work, your event is ON! Here are a few last minute tips for the day:

    • Arrive early so that you get plenty of time to get everything ready, ensuring there is ample time to solve the inevitable last-minute changes/challenges that will arise.
    • Check in with each of your suppliers and double-check that they are providing exactly what you have asked for, at the time you’ve asked for it. 
    • Get your team together and have a quick briefing. This is a good way to keep everyone’s mind focused on their respective tasks, eradicate any last-minute doubts, and create a positive working atmosphere.

    Checklist for Sports Events

    Organizing a sporting event involves careful planning and coordination across various aspects, with regular communication and coordination among the planning team essential for a successful outcome. 

    Use our checklist for planning sports events below as-is, customize it based on the specific requirements and scale of your sporting event, or use in combination with our comprehensive conference and event planning checklist above.

    1. Define the event:

    • Determine the type of sporting event.
    • Clarify the goals and objectives of the event.
    • Identify the target audience and participants.

    2. Establish budget:

    • Develop a comprehensive budget covering all expenses.
    • Allocate funds for venue, permits, equipment, marketing, and personnel.

    3. Choose date and time:

    • Consider the schedules of key participants and potential attendees.
    • Avoid conflicting with other major events in the area.

    4. Venue selection:

    • Choose a suitable venue based on the type of sport and expected attendance.
    • Confirm availability and ensure the venue has the necessary facilities.

    5. Permits and regulations:

    • Obtain all required permits and permissions.
    • Adhere to local regulations regarding noise, parking, and safety.

    6. Production and logistics:

    • Plan the layout and event staging of the event space.
    • Arrange for seating, signage, and any necessary infrastructure.
    • Plan transportation for participants and equipment.
    • Coordinate with vendors for equipment delivery, setup, and breakdown.
    • Create an event risk management plan.

    7. Marketing and promotion:

    • Develop a strategic event marketing plan to attract participants and spectators.
    • Utilize social media, posters, and other channels for promotion.
    • Consider partnerships with sports-related businesses or sponsors.

    Read next: 6 tips for marketing your virtual event

    8. Registration and ticketing

    • Set up an efficient online registration system for participants.
    • Determine pricing, discounts, and ticket distribution methods and onsite event check-in.
    • Collect necessary participant information, waivers, and emergency contacts.
    • Determine registration fees and deadlines.

    9. Volunteers:

    • Recruit and train volunteers for various roles.
    • Assign responsibilities such as event coordination, registration, and crowd management.

    10. Security and medical services:

    • Arrange for event security personnel.
    • Coordinate with local medical services for first aid and emergency response.
    • Have a designated medical area with necessary supplies.
    • Ensure adequate insurance for injuries/medical incidents.

    11. Equipment and facilities:

    • Identify and secure all required sports equipment (ensuring equipment is in good condition).
    • Ensure an adequate supply of first aid kits and medical support.
    • Set up appropriate facilities for participants and spectators.

    12. Communication plan:

    • Establish a communication plan for participants, volunteers, and attendees.
    • Provide clear event information, schedules, and contact details.

    13. Entertainment and extras:

    • Plan halftime shows, entertainment, or additional attractions.
    • Consider food vendors, merchandise booths, or interactive exhibits.

    14. Sponsorships and partnerships:

    • Seek sponsorships and partnerships to support the event financially.
    • Recognize sponsors through signage, announcements, or other agreed-upon methods.

    15.  Environmental considerations:

    • Implement waste management and recycling practices.
    • Consider the environmental impact of the event.

    16. Post-event evaluation:

    Checklist for Charity Events

    Planning a charity event involves unique considerations to ensure its success and alignment with philanthropic goals. Regular communication with the charity organization and keeping the cause at the forefront will contribute to the event’s overall success. 

    You can use the checklist below as-is to plan and organize your charity event, adapt it as necessary based on your event’s specific nature and scale, or use it in combination with our comprehensive event planning checklist above.

    1. Define the cause:

    • Clearly articulate the purpose and mission of the charity event.
    • Identify the specific cause or organization that will benefit.

    2. Establish budget and fundraising goals:

    • Develop a detailed budget that includes all expenses and potential revenue.
    • Set realistic fundraising goals based on the target audience and the chosen cause.

    3. Choose a meaningful theme:

    • Select a theme that resonates with the cause and engages participants.
    • Ensure the theme aligns with the organization’s values.

    4. Partner with a charity:

    • Collaborate with a reputable charity organization.
    • Clearly outline how the funds raised will be used to support the cause.

    5. Secure a venue:

    • Choose a venue that accommodates the expected number of attendees.
    • Consider the accessibility and ambiance of the venue.

    6. Registration and ticketing:

    7. Permits and regulations:

    • Obtain all necessary permits for the event.
    • Comply with local regulations and legal requirements.

    8. Sponsorship and partnerships:

    • Seek corporate sponsors who align with the charitable cause.
    • Develop mutually beneficial partnerships to enhance the event’s impact.

    9. Donation platforms:

    • Set up online donation platforms to facilitate easy contributions.
    • Provide multiple options for individuals to donate during the event.

    10. Engage volunteers:

    • Recruit and train volunteers to assist with various aspects of the event.
    • Clearly communicate roles and responsibilities.

    11. Marketing and publicity:

    • Develop a compelling marketing strategy to raise awareness of the cause.
    • Utilize social media, press releases, and local media to promote the event.
    • Leverage partner and sponsorship channels for cross-promotions.

    12. Silent auction or raffle:

    • Incorporate fundraising elements such as a silent auction or raffle.
    • Secure donations for items or experiences to be auctioned.

    13. Guest speakers or testimonials:

    • Arrange for speakers who can share personal stories related to the cause.
    • Highlight the impact of the charity’s work through testimonials.

    14. Photography and media coverage:

    • Arrange for professional photographers to capture key moments.
    • Encourage media coverage to amplify the event’s reach.

    15. Create a compelling program:

    • Develop a well-structured program that keeps attendees engaged.
    • Include elements that educate participants about the cause.

    16. Acknowledge donors and sponsors:

    • Publicly recognize and thank donors and sponsors during the event.
    • Consider providing sponsorship visibility through signage and promotional materials.

    17. Accessibility and inclusivity:

    • Ensure the program is inclusive and the event venue is accessible to people with disabilities.

    18. Post-event follow-up:

    • Send thank-you notes to donors, sponsors, and volunteers.
    • Provide updates on the impact of the funds raised.

    19. Compliance and reporting:

    • Ensure compliance with tax and reporting requirements.
    • Submit any necessary reports to regulatory bodies
    • Clearly communicate how funds will be utilized for transparency.

    Checklist for Community Events

    Planning community events requires careful coordination and attention to detail. To guide you through the process, we’ve created a community event planning checklist which can be used as-is, adapted to your particular event, or use in combination with our comprehensive event planning checklist. 

    1. Pre-planning:

    • Define purpose and goals:
      • Clearly outline the purpose and goals of the community event.
    • Budget preparation:
      • Determine a budget for the event, considering all expenses and potential sources of funding or sponsorship.
    • Establish a planning committee:
      • Form a dedicated team to assist with various aspects of event planning.
    • Choose event date and time:
      • Select a suitable date and time for the event, taking into account community preferences and availability.
    • Permits and approvals:
      • Check and obtain any necessary permits or approvals required for the event.

    2. Logistics and venue:

    • Select venue:
      • Choose a location that accommodates the expected attendance and aligns with the event’s purpose.
    • Equipment and supplies:
      • Identify and secure necessary equipment, such as sound systems, tents, and seating.
    • Vendor and food options:
      • Arrange for food vendors or catering services, ensuring diverse options for attendees.
    • Volunteer recruitment:
      • Recruit and train volunteers to assist with various tasks during the event.

    3. Promotion and outreach:

    • Create event branding:
      • Design a cohesive theme and branding for promotional materials.
    • Marketing and promotion:
      • Develop a marketing plan using various channels, including social media, local newspapers, and community boards.
    • Community engagement:
      • Engage with local community groups, influencers, and leaders for support and collaboration.

    4. Program and activities:

    • Plan event schedule:
      • Develop a detailed schedule outlining activities, performances, and key timings.
    • Speakers and performers:
      • Confirm speakers, performers, or entertainment acts well in advance.
    • Family-friendly activities:
      • Include activities for different age groups, ensuring a family-friendly environment.

    5. Safety and logistics:

    • Security and first aid:
      • Arrange for event security and have a designated first aid station.
    • Traffic and parking:
      • Plan for traffic flow and parking arrangements to accommodate attendees.
    • Waste management:
      • Set up recycling and waste disposal stations throughout the venue.

    6. On-site execution:

    • Event signage:
      • Install clear and visible signage for directions and activity locations.
    • Registration and information booth:
    • Photography and documentation:
      • Arrange for event photography and documentation (e.g. a local reporter) to capture highlights.

    7. Post-event:

    • Thank you and acknowledgments:
      • Express gratitude to volunteers, sponsors, and contributors.
    • Feedback collection:
      • Collect feedback from attendees to inform future events.
    • Financial evaluation:
      • Review the event’s financials and assess its success against the budget.
    • Post-event report:
      • Create a comprehensive post-event report documenting successes, challenges, and areas for improvement.

    Checklist for Outdoor Events

    Organizing outdoor events presents a set of challenges and considerations that event planners need to address to ensure the success and safety of the event. To help, we’ve created an outdoor event planning checklist which you can use on its own, adapt it based on the specific nature and scale of your outdoor event, or use in combination with our comprehensive conference and event planning checklist above.

    1. Permits and Regulations:

    • Obtain all necessary permits for using the outdoor space.
    • Comply with local regulations regarding noise, parking, and environmental impact.

    2. Weather contingency plan:

    • Monitor weather forecasts leading up to the event.
    • Develop a contingency plan in case of adverse weather conditions.

    3. Emergency services:

    • Coordinate with local emergency services and have a first aid station.
    • Establish communication protocols for emergencies.

    4. Venue selection:

    • Choose a suitable outdoor venue based on the event requirements.
    • Ensure the venue has necessary facilities like restrooms and power sources.

    5. Infrastructure and equipment:

    • Arrange for tents, stages, seating, and any other necessary infrastructure.
    • Test and ensure the functionality of all equipment, including sound and lighting.

    6. Accessibility:

    • Ensure the venue is accessible to all attendees, including those with disabilities.
    • Plan for pathways, ramps, and seating arrangements.

    7. Registration and ticketing:

    8. Security measures:

    • Hire security personnel to manage crowd control.
    • Implement measures to prevent unauthorized access.

    9. Waste management:

    10. Traffic and parking:

    • Plan for traffic flow and parking arrangements.
    • Provide clear signage for parking areas.

    11. Power sources:

    • Arrange for sufficient power sources for lighting, sound, and other equipment.
    • Consider backup generators in case of power outages.

    12. Communication plan:

    • Establish clear communication channels for staff and attendees.
    • Use signage and announcements to convey important information.

    13. Health and safety measures:

    • Set up first aid stations and have medical personnel on standby.
    • Communicate health and safety guidelines to attendees.

    14. Vendor coordination:

    • Communicate with vendors and food stalls regarding setup and logistics.
    • Ensure they comply with health and safety regulations.

    15. Insurance coverage:

    • Confirm that the event has appropriate insurance coverage.
    • Include liability coverage for potential accidents or damages.

    16. Noise considerations:

    • Be mindful of local noise ordinances.
    • Communicate event schedules to neighbors and nearby businesses.

    17. Permits for food and beverage:

    • Obtain necessary permits for food and beverage service.
    • Ensure vendors comply with health and safety standards.

    18. Entertainment and activities:

    • Plan entertainment and activities suitable for an outdoor setting.
    • Consider interactive elements to engage attendees.

    19. Signage and wayfinding:

    • Provide clear signage for parking, restrooms, and key event areas.
    • Use wayfinding elements to guide attendees through the venue.

    20. Contingency plans:

    • Develop contingency plans for various scenarios, such as medical emergencies or technical failures.
    • Communicate these plans to staff and key stakeholders.

    21. Post-event cleanup:

    • Arrange for a thorough cleanup of the venue after the event.
    • Ensure all waste is properly disposed of and the area is left in good condition.

    Diversity, equity & inclusion event planning checklist

    Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at events and conferences is essential for creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all participants. Remember, DEI is an ongoing process, and incorporating these considerations into event planning contributes to a more inclusive and enriching experience for all participants. Keep the lines of communication open and be receptive to feedback for continuous improvement.

    Here’s a checklist to guide event planners in incorporating DEI principles:

    1. Pre-event planning:

    • Diverse Planning Committee:
      • Ensure a diverse and inclusive group is involved in the planning process.
      • Consider perspectives from different backgrounds, experiences, and identities.
    • Define DEI objectives:
      • Clearly articulate DEI goals and objectives for the event.
      • Align these goals with the overall mission and values of the organization.
    • Accessibility considerations:
      • Choose an accessible venue with ramps, elevators, and appropriate restroom facilities.
      • Provide information on accessibility features in event communications.
    • Inclusive language:
      • Use inclusive language in all event materials and communications.
      • Avoid gendered language and be mindful of cultural sensitivities.
    • Diverse speakers and panelists:
      • Ensure a diverse lineup of speakers, panelists, and presenters.
      • Consider gender, race, ethnicity, age, and other dimensions of diversity.
    • Representation in marketing:
      • Feature diverse images and representations in promotional materials.
      • Showcase the diversity of attendees and speakers.

    2. During the event:

    • Inclusive signage:
      • Use inclusive signage that considers various languages and cultural backgrounds.
      • Clearly label restrooms with gender-inclusive signage.
    • Diversity lounge or safe space:
      • Provide a designated space for networking and discussions around diversity and inclusion.
      • Staff the area with knowledgeable individuals who can address concerns.
    • Cultural competence training:
      • Provide training for event staff on cultural competence and sensitivity.
      • Equip staff to handle diversity-related issues respectfully and effectively.
    • Inclusive networking opportunities:
      • Facilitate networking opportunities that encourage inclusivity.
      • Offer icebreakers that allow participants to connect across diverse backgrounds.
    • Language access services:
      • Provide language interpretation services for non-English speakers.
      • Provide an interpreter for the hearing impaired.
      • Include information about language services in event materials.
    • Accessible technology:
      • Ensure that event technology is accessible to individuals with disabilities.
      • Provide alternative formats for presentation materials.

    3. Post-event:

    • Attendee feedback:
      • Collect feedback specifically related to DEI efforts.
      • Use feedback to inform future events and improve inclusivity.
    • Transparency and accountability:
      • Share information about the event’s DEI initiatives with stakeholders.
      • Be transparent about successes and areas for improvement.
    • Evaluate and adjust:
      • Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of DEI efforts.
      • Use the evaluation to adjust strategies for future events.
    • Acknowledgment of contributions:
      • Acknowledge and thank individuals who contributed to the event’s DEI efforts.
      • Highlight successes in post-event communications.
    • Long-term commitment:
      • Integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion into the organization’s long-term strategy.
      • Commit to ongoing education and improvement.

    Checklist for Event Accessibility

    Ensuring event accessibility is crucial to accommodate all attendees, regardless of their abilities. Here’s a comprehensive checklist for event planners to prioritize accessibility:

    1. Pre-event planning:

    • Accessible venue selection:
      • Choose a venue with ramps, elevators, and accessible entrances/exits.
      • Confirm that all event spaces are wheelchair accessible.
    • Seating arrangements:
      • Designate accessible seating areas with clear signage.
      • Ensure these areas provide a clear view of the stage or presentation.
    • Accessible parking:
      • Arrange for accessible parking spaces close to the venue entrance.
      • Clearly communicate the location of accessible parking in event materials.
    • Accessible restrooms:
      • Confirm the availability of accessible restrooms.
      • Clearly label restrooms with appropriate signage.
    • Registration and check-In:
      • Provide accessible event registration options, such as online registration and on-site check-in assistance.
      • Offer registration materials in alternative formats if needed.
    • Communication:
      • Ensure all event communications are available in accessible formats (Braille, large print, electronic).
      • Provide information on accessibility features on event websites and in promotional materials.

    2. During the event:

    • Staff training:
      • Train event staff on assisting attendees with different abilities.
      • Ensure staff is knowledgeable about accessible features and services.
    • Assistive technology:
      • Provide assistive listening devices for presentations and speeches.
      • Ensure that technology used during the event is accessible to individuals with disabilities.
    • Wayfinding:
      • Implement clear signage with large, readable fonts.
      • Use high-contrast colors for signage and directional indicators.
    • Service animals:
      • Clearly communicate a policy allowing service animals.
      • Train staff to assist attendees with service animals appropriately.
    • Accessible presentations:
      • Encourage presenters to use accessible slides and materials.
      • Provide presentation materials in advance for attendees using assistive technology.
    • Captioning and interpretation:
      • Arrange for live captioning or sign language interpretation for key presentations.
      • Communicate the availability of these services in advance.
    • Accessible catering:
      • Consider dietary restrictions and provide accessible catering options.
      • Ensure food stations are at a reachable height for all attendees.

    3. Post-event:

    • Feedback collection:
      • Collect feedback on the accessibility of the event.
      • Use feedback to make improvements for future events.
    • Documentation of accessibility features:
      • Document the accessibility features provided at the event.
      • Share this information with future attendees and organizers.
    • Post-event resources:
      • Provide post-event resources in accessible formats.
      • Share presentations, documents, and other materials electronically.
    • Accessibility policies:
      • Review and update accessibility policies based on feedback and lessons learned.
      • Incorporate accessibility into future event planning strategies.
    • Continuous improvement:
      • Foster a culture of continuous improvement regarding accessibility.
      • Stay informed about new technologies and best practices in accessibility.

    How can our event technology enhance your conference planning?

    At EventsAir, we understand the importance of selecting the right event technology partner – someone who can help you get ahead of your conference planning and feel supported pre-event, during the event, and post-event. 

    With EventsAir, you can manage all your event planning in one place. Accommodation, budgets, travel, abstracts, sponsors, marketing, exhibitors, agendas, inventory, dietary requirements, and so, so much more.

    If you would like to understand how effective event checklists and efficient planning can streamline your day-to-day then schedule a demo with one of our team members today.

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