A glimpse into EventsAir’s vision

Mehdi Khalili
Mehdi Khalili
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    Today, I want to take a moment to share an exciting concept that drives our company’s vision for the future: our Vivid Vision.

    What is Vivid Vision?

    In the words of Cameron Herold, the author of Vivid Vision, “Vivid Vision is a document that describes what the leaders of a company envision for their company’s future and how they’ll get there. It involves picturing your business three years down the road, but not in some ambiguous, conceptual way. Close your eyes, hop in your mental time machine, and take a tour around your company three years in the future.

    Our Vision

    It’s 22nd of December 2025. As we’re about to head to a well earnt break, I thought it is a good time to reflect on our journey in the past three years and celebrate some of the amazing outcomes we have achieved.

    Technology our customers can rely on

    Our products are built upon a cutting-edge technology stack and architecture that provides a clear advantage over our competitors. It is a state of art in availability, security, resilience, performance, and user experience.

    Earlier this year, there was an outage on the East US Azure Data Centre where we host over 300 of our clients. Our monitoring system picked up the outage within seconds, sent an alert to our Operations and Customer Support teams, kicked off the automated self-healing process. Within 15 minutes, it stood up Azure services in the East US 2 data centre and routed the traffic to the new environment. For some, this was a disaster. For us, it was a glitch in our customer experience.

    Customer and User Experience

    Our 2023 pivot to set the industry standard for product quality has been achieved. Our brand has become a benchmark in customer experience, innovation, and quality. We are a clear #1 in the events management software space by customer experience and NPS. This is enabled by clever client-focused innovations that save time and money for clients and make it easier to build and manage events. We have become the Apple of the events management industry.

    Our cross-functional product development teams work closely with Customer Success, Customer Support, Sales, and Marketing to produce a detailed, cohesive, and clear product roadmap that we share with our customers regularly. Our customers love our transparency.

    This year, we shipped 253 releases to production – that is on average more than one release per working day! Our mature Agile software delivery tooling and processes allow us to deliver a stream of high-quality value to our customers continuously and with high confidence.

    People and Culture

    Looking across EventsAir, we are extremely fortunate to have best in class teams globally. With our headcount surpassing 250 staff and offices in 5 countries, we are certainly living up to our World Domination motto.

    There is a start-up-like “hustle” culture, where problem solving and being entrepreneurial is engrained into our every-day mindset. We hire passionate people, we provide them with the best of breed technology to ensure they can work and collaborate without any barriers, and we make it easy for them to win.

    Truly taking the time to lay the strong foundation, showing career development, empathy, understanding and transparency as well as creating a fun and vibrant workplace has delivered a loyal and truly committed team which we are extremely proud of. This outstanding employee experience has been one of the key enablers of our success. Our employees are excited and proud to work at EventsAir and this sense of pride and joy radiates through our interactions with our customers and the community at large.

    Join us in shaping the future

    In this post, I provided a peek into our vision and a glimpse of what the future holds for EventsAir, from our unwavering commitment to operational excellence to our dedication to employee experience and customer success.

    If you are a loyal customer who has witnessed our journey firsthand or a prospective customer intrigued by the possibilities we offer, we invite you to join us on this journey. Stay tuned as we turn this vision into a roadmap and showcase the strides we are taking to transform the events management landscape.

    To our future employees, we invite you to be part of an extraordinary journey. Join us, and together, let’s redefine the possibilities of event management, and leave a dent in the event tech industry.
